Hello my very dear special football family
I am writing this to say a massive thank you to you all for your generosity. I was so overwhelmed, emotional and touched by your kind gift.
I have enjoyed organizing the coaches over many seasons. I have such fond memories of many hours spent with so many of you.I couldn’t have done the job without the help of so many people.ln particular l want to give a special mention to Graham Roberts who helped me for a number of years when l was really struggling. To Margaret and Alan Hodgson for agreeing to take the reins from me so that l could retire. Lastly but most importantly a big token of gratitude to my dear sister for not only helping me out for the last couple of seasons but actually doing most of the work but also for organizing the amazing collection for me. Of course it goes without saying to you all for your support of not only myself but OWWSA.
I am so very grateful and appreciative to you all.
Lots of love
Rena x